Monsters and Dust

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A Scene

“The corner store man was grinding my coffee when two kids came in and shot the place up with rifles. They were obviously drunk… one of them was wearing sandals, you see. They weren’t even looking where they were shooting. Now, they didn’t get me but the corner store man got a bullet right inside his eardrum and my coffee went everywhere. I fell behind the popcorn machine and checked to see if my .45 was loaded, and it was. I cocked it and aimed, looking straight down the barrel. I tagged the bigger of the two guys in the eardrum and he fell down. Well, the other guy, the little one, jumped left then right, waving his rifle like he was shooing ghosts with a broom. I knew I had five shots left more so I just start blasting and he does too and for a second it was a total pandemonium, glass breaking everywhere, you know. But I got him with my last shot right in the belly and he flew back toward the door, dropping his rifle on the lifeless body of a lady who must have got caught in the crossfire, poor girl. He fell flat on his back, dead. Only his head was on the outside of the doorway, strewn with broken and bloody glass, the doorway. So I just waited for the police to arrive.”