Monsters and Dust

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M&D: What kind of conclusions were you able to draw from the process? Did you find it valuable as a critique? Or was it mostly surface? What was your read on the balance between the concern with money, markets and ratings, versus a concern with providing opportunity for emerging artists?

YJK: I was so anxious and uncertain throughout the whole process for the show, but it was a valuable experience. I’m in grad school now, and I’ve long been looking forward to it — a path that without question will be a rewarding experience that will positively affect my work. I’d like to be able to support myself through just focusing on my work (imagine that!), and I know there are many different ways one can go about that, all of which (to me) require that you be married to your practice, that your practice be fulfilling emotionally and intellectually. And I feel good about that.

See more of Young's work at

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